The Bible passage in Luke 3:8 reminds us that producing good fruit is a reflection of true repentance in our lives. It requires turning away from sin (disobedience because of pride) and seeking God's righteousness. We should not rely on our family heritage or ancestry to assure us of salvation, as God can replace the unrepentant with those who are obedient.
“Therefore produce fruit that is worthy of [and consistent with your] repentance [that is, live changed lives, turn from sin and seek God and His righteousness]. And do not even begin to say to yourselves [as a defense], ‘We have Abraham for our father [and so our heritage assures us of salvation]’; for I say to you that from these stones God is able to raise up children (descendants) for Abraham [for God can replace the unrepentant, regardless of their heritage, with those who are obedient].”
Luke 3:8 AMP
As a follower of Jesus, it's essential to examine our lives and assess whether we are producing good fruit. Here are three questions to ask yourself to determine if you are producing the right fruits in your life:
Am I glorifying God? The ultimate purpose of our lives is to bring glory to God. Are the fruits of your life drawing others closer to God, or are they pushing them away? Are you living in a way that reflects the character and nature of God, or are you living according to the values of the world?
Am I representing Jesus well? As a follower of Jesus, we are called to be His ambassadors on earth. Are you living a life that represents Jesus well, or are you falling short? Are you displaying the fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control?
Am I making a positive impact on others? As we bear good fruit, we will impact those around us positively. Are the fruits of your life making a difference in the lives of others? Are you being a blessing to those around you, or are you a burden?
(Some people might not be able to answer these questions honestly. You can ask help from someone really close to you and will help you analyze these things honestly. Who is not afraid to be honest with you.)
To produce good fruit, we must first start with humility. We must recognize that repentance is a personal decision that requires us to be humble and submit to authority. As Jesus obeyed and honored the Father, we should also honor the authority placed on us by God, such as our parents, spouse, boss, or anyone placed in our lives.
Pride can be our downfall if we don't submit to the Lord. Pride was the downfall of satan. We should be humble enough to accept that we are not righteous through our works or religion, but only by the grace of God. By living a life of humility and obedience, we can produce good fruit that is consistent with our repentance and bring glory to God.